Friday, November 2, 2012

Davidson River, here we come!

Next week me and a coworker will travel to the Pisgah National Forest for 5 days of fly fishing!!! This will be my 4th annual trip to the Davidson River and I can't wait! My fishing buddy has a 35 ft travel trailer that we take to the campground area right beside the river... oh yeah! All the comforts of home, including satellite TV. I'll be posting lots of pictures, so check back next week. Tight Lines!

Friday, September 7, 2012


I finally found the Japanese Ocha I became addicted to in Japan. Earth Fare has it in the cold drink section. The guy at the checkout said I can order a case and get a 10% discount. Might be worth it considering it cost $1.99 a bottle.

Watashiwa totemo happy-desu!!!